The Big IBCLC Secret

Wanna know the biggest secret of the IBCLC? Promise to spread the word?

There’s a common misconception that lactation consultants will judge you for using formula. This is unfairly applied to IBCLCs and we kindly ask you to erase this thought from your head.

Lactation consultants DO NOT hate formula.

First rule of IBCLC club: feed the baby.

We can be pro-breastfeeding without being anti-formula. Formula is not inherently good or bad. It has a specific function (help a baby grow) and it does a good job of it. We may even whip a bottle of formula out (gasp!) during a consult if a baby needs more food and human milk is unavailable. There is no need to hide the formula or lie to us about giving formula to a baby. We aren’t here to judge!

No, we don’t hate formula. We hate the marketing of formula. Formula companies are really good at marketing (more on this another day). So good, in fact, that they make it really easy to start using formula. Once formula is started, without proper breastfeeding support, it’s a quick ride to exclusive formula feeding. I’m not saying exclusive formula feeding is bad.

When infant feeding problems arise, I want healthcare professionals to

  1. Recommend an IBCLC who can help families troubleshoot infant feeding problems

  2. Provide evidence-based information on breast and formula feeding in a non-judgmental way

  3. Speak of breastfeeding as the biological norm

As Laura Maria Gruber, IBCLC once said, “Breastfeeding problems are solved by fixing breastfeeding, not by replacing it.” Switching to formula rarely solves whatever problem someone is experiencing. And sometimes it creates more problems. Finding the root cause of feeding problems is how we can find a solution. If, after finding a solution and with proper information, a family would like to use formula, they should use it. It is not an IBCLC’s place to tell you what you should feed your kid. Healthcare professionals help families make informed choices. We should be providing you with evidence-based information on each option so you can make the choice that’s best for your family. And then we should support whatever decision you make.

I would also like to point out that choosing breast milk or formula without knowing how it can affect your family (positively or negatively) is a failure of the healthcare system and society. Infant feeding education and normalization starts when you first see a baby being fed (hopefully as a child), whether it’s breast or bottle. These experiences shape your view of “normal”.

We're Not Formula Haters

Formula is important for many babies. Some families use formula by choice and others use it because they do not have another option…adoption, surrogacy, mastectomy, some medications…and lactation consultants will help those families feed their babies too. Our work is more than latching and “tips and tricks” to improve breastfeeding. We are knowledgeable about the fundamentals of how a baby’s mouth works when eating. This enables us to help optimize a baby’s feeding, whether at breast or on a bottle.

We’ll teach you the proper way to mix formula (yes, there is a right way), a healthy way to bottle feed, and how to properly store and wash your bottles. The “how to” of formula use is part of informed decision making. Anyone suggesting you use formula should also be teaching you these things.

In conclusion, we don’t hate formula. We like breast milk and breastfeeding. We like it when babies eat and grow according to their curve. We like providing evidence-based information. We will support you in feeding your baby and caring for your family.

Lisa Gonzales1 Comment