Breastfeeding Help Before Baby?

Concerned about how breastfeeding will go? Feel lost in the “shoulds” and shouldn’ts” of caring for your baby? There’s an app(ointment) for that. A prenatal breastfeeding consult can ease many of your fears and empower you with the knowledge and skills to feed and care for your tiny human.

The purpose of a prenatal consult is to prepare you to smoothly transition from pregnancy to parenthood. While most people have seen a baby breastfeeding in public, they may have never watched a baby latch to the breast. We often think of latching and visualize a bottle going into a baby’s mouth…’s very different from breastfeeding! Latching is just one of the topics I address in a prenatal consult. We also review how to know when you need help, how to know what your baby needs, and how to soothe your baby.

Not your first rodeo? Parents often schedule prenatal appointments when they had difficulty breastfeeding the first (2nd, 3rd) time around. Each baby is a new human with different capabilities and challenges. Assessing potential issues and having an action plan prior to your baby’s arrival can limit the number of complications you may experience later.

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Planning gives us an idea of what to prepare for. It’s adding items to your baby registry or making a list of things you need to know. Preparation actually gets us ready. It’s buying diapers and wipes, and practicing changing a diaper repeatedly in order to become skilled and comfortable. Planning and preparation help reduce stress and anxiety. Breastfeeding takes skill and practice, both of which can be started before your baby is born.

If you have questions about prenatal consults, please email me. I’d be happy to answer questions about how this service could help you.

Don’t live near Wilsonville, Oregon but need an in-person prenatal consult? I do virtual visits too!