WBW Day 2

What does human milk production and distribution require? Not much!

  • No transportation required for delivery

  • No gas/electricity needed for preparation

  • No tools or equipment needed for creation

  • No additional water source required

  • No container needed for storage

  • No packaging necessary for shipment

Yes, many parents use some or all of these on their breastfeeding journey (me) for a variety of reasons but they are not required in order to make or give milk.

Breastfeeding leaves no carbon footprint!

milk production

For me, the reason I used any of these resources all boiled down to not having adequate paid maternity leave (story for another day). If I didn’t have to worry about my baby taking a bottle while I was at work for 13 hours, I wouldn’t have needed to pump and store milk.

In order to decrease plastic use, I chose to use glass bottles for pumping and fridge storage. I had glass bottles I got second hand and I pumped directly into them. I did use plastic milk bags to store in the freezer because we had limited space and money but a major surplus of milk. Putting milk in plastic bags allowed me to donate to several families and the milk bank.

Another reason I preferred glass bottles was because the milk fat doesn’t stick as well to the sides. It was so much easier to keep all the nutrients in the milk rather than clinging to the sides of the bottle. More nutrients for my baby, easier to clean the bottles, less use of plastic…win, win, win!

How have your lactation related actions impacted the environment? 

Lisa Gonzales